Moving beyond the basic Werewolf roles it can be easy for the villagers to become too powerful, so here are some more Werewolves and their minions to spice up the game.

Big Bad Wolf
We added this more powerful wolf when playing a variant with Red Riding Hood, but it is generally useful for the moderator as they can decide when this werewolf takes an extra meal. Otherwise it is played just like other Werewolves, only waking a second time when asked to by the moderator.

The First Wolf
The origin of the Werewolf curse, the First Wolf eats with the other wolves, and chooses a player to change. The Moderator then tells all players that s/he will tap one player on the knee and that from then on they will lose any other night time role and instead wake with and win with the Werewolves. However, if the First Wolf dies, the curse is broken, all Werewolves die and the village wins (assuming there aren’t other teams still in play).

Silver Wolf
Played just like an ordinary Werewolf unless they die by execution, in which case they can choose any player to kill as well. Pretty much a Wolf version of the Hunter, although we generally don’t allow them to kill someone if they die in the night by poisoning or at the hands of another solo character.
Big / Little Wolf Brother

Played as a pair, you wake both on the first night so they can see each other. The Big Wolf Brother then wakes with the other Werewolves and has to stop them from accidentally eating his Brother, but is otherwise a normal Werewolf. The Little Wolf Brother only wakes if called by the moderator after his Big Brother has died and gets to choose someone to kill in revenge (however s/he may not know who the other werewolves are). From then on the Little Werewolf Brother wakes with the other Werewolves, having come of age.