Category: Old Blog

Republished from my old blog circa 2010

5 forces for creativity

If you are assessing business opportunities I’m sure Porter’s model of five forces is a great starting point, but there is something about its visual structure that I’ve found really useful in pushing my and other people’s creative thinking. Mindtools have a great little write up and show its breadth, for instance, applying it to choosing… Continue reading 5 forces for creativity

magical 7

Why is seven, plus or minus two the memory span of me or you. And seven dwarfs, knock seven bells, out of seven sisters in seven wells. Why are there seven deadly sins, And seven days to do them in. OK rhyme and the rhythm aren’t great, but I liked the idea of doing a poem out of links.

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done is better than perfect

Originally published 2009 You would imagine getting something done, rather than perfect, wouldn’t be great advice. After all… ‘Nothing is more satisfying than a job well done’ and ‘if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing right‘, Sometimes you just have to be pragmatic, however, as there isn’t enough time to do everything… Continue reading done is better than perfect

oxymorons & tautologies

From post originally published in 2009 From the greek for ‘sharply dull’, oxymorons are when words that contradict each other are combined together in error, to highlight a paradox or to satarise. A few of my usual mistakes: almost exactly simply impossible only choice nearly unique original copy initial conclusion Much more fun is when we say… Continue reading oxymorons & tautologies

just ‘because’

Originally published April 2010 My son and daughter are both still at the ‘Why?’ age. However they recently gave me a taste of my own medicine. When asked why they were pretending to be hamsters in the imaginary game they were playing the 3-year-old answered, ‘Oh, just because!” This made me wonder, am I killing their curiosity? And got me thinking about the absurd… Continue reading just ‘because’

climate change: cause and effect, and effect

Sadly, while this post was originally published in 2009, the situation is largely the same. I only hope Extinction Rebellion will have a greater impact. Attended another climate change conference this week (and watched the Age of Stupid). Some excellent presentations on social science approaches to changing individuals’ behaviour in order to minimise their carbon emissions.… Continue reading climate change: cause and effect, and effect

may, can, could, should, ought, must

I remember a particularly pedantic Religious Education teacher at school, who if asked, “Can I go to the toilet please” would answer, “I would imagine you are physically able to do that.” He would only give you permission if you said “May I go?”. Similarly, work with a good project manager and you soon learn to be… Continue reading may, can, could, should, ought, must

paradoxical proverbs

‘A wise man knows he knows nothing’ but if he knows nothing how does he know. Some more proverbial paradoxes: The pen is mightier than the sword but Actions speak louder than words Faith will move mountains but Doubt is the beginning of wisdom Clothes make the man but Never judge a book by its… Continue reading paradoxical proverbs